Sintang Pontianak

Kepadatan penduduk 19 11 jiwa km 2 yang terdiri dari multietnis dengan mayoritas suku dayak dan melayu.
Sintang pontianak. Prefecture apostolic of sintang vicariate apostolic of sintang diocese of sintang. Daerah pemerintahan kabupaten sintang pada tahun 2018. Flight from pontianak pnk to sintang sqg need cheap flight tickets to sintang more cheaper from pontianak. Kabupaten sintang adalah salah satu daerah otonom tingkat ii di bawah provinsi kalimantan barat ibu kota kabupaten ini terletak di kota sintang kabupaten ini memiliki luas wilayah 21 635 km dan berpenduduk sebesar 413 369 jiwa 2019.
Vicariate apostolic of sintang diocese of sintang. Kedai kopi new normal simpang pandan sintang baru buka 3 hari setelah ditetapkan new normal dikedai kopi juga masih diterapkan protokol sosial distance jangan lupa subscribe like coment share. Sintang at the confluence of sungai kapuas and sungai melawi is a surprisingly large and vibrant town for this remote location. Pontianak is the capital of the indonesian province of west kalimantan on the island of borneo.
Vicariate apostolic of pontianak. The roman catholic diocese of sintang latin. How far is it from pontianak to sintang. Sintangen sis is a diocese located in the city of sintang in the ecclesiastical province of pontianak in indonesia.
The distance between pontianak and sintang is 241 km. The road distance is 326 7 km. Pontianak is the capital of the indonesian province of west kalimantan founded by syarif abdurrahman alkadrie as a capital of sultanate of kadriyah on 23 october 1771 14 rajab 1185 ah syarif abdurrahman alkadrie developed pontianak as a trading port on the island of borneo occupying an area of 107 82 km in the delta of the kapuas river it is located on the equator hence it is widely. Prefecture apostolic of sintang.
The quickest way to get from pontianak to sintang is to fly which costs rp600000 rp900000 and takes 1h 11m. Cari dan dapatkan tiket pesawat termurah dari lion air sriwijaya garuda airasia dan lain lain. The city is mostly populated by ethnic chinese dayak and malay as well as significant number of minorities such as bugis and javanese. Traveloka membantu anda mencari tiket pesawat promo termurah dari pontianak ke sintang.